New Day Church
Our Team

Our Team

“Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.”
Jeremiah 3:15


“It’s crucial to recognize that an authentic encounter with Jesus has the power to transform your life.”

I was born in Florida, but have moved around quite a bit. My wife, Apryl, and I have five amazing children – Austin, Brighton, Londen, Kaelyn, and Elias. My family and I lived in Watertown, SD, where I discovered my faith in Jesus. I had been born and raised in Mormonism, so throughout my life, I had encountered a very legalistic structure that became my way of living. But God finally showed me a path that brought joy into my life – a path to Christianity!

I spent time in Canada on a proselyting and service mission as a church leader and Associate Pastor. The experiences I learned were instrumental in helping me serve, lead, and worship in a way that glorifies Jesus. My pastoral call is something I can no longer deny or put off for later down the road. At times, I find myself reflecting on the possibility of beginning my journey at a Christian Seminary during my younger college years. However, I’ve come to understand that when God extends His call, He also paves the path and determines the timing for our training.

I see myself as a Pastor with a distinct divine calling, empowered to connect with the de-churched. These are individuals who have lost faith in ‘organized religion’ due to the legalistic and abusive experiences they’ve endured. They’re those who have lost trust in God because of the pain they’ve endured, or who have been ostracized by their community or church because of their identity. It’s crucial for these individuals to recognize that an authentic encounter with Jesus has the power to transform their lives positively. My ministry is a ministry of grace. I believe that you are always enough for God!

Throughout my professional career, I have worked as a massage therapist, became a spa owner, been involved in hotel management, and even explored a role in local law enforcement. Some of my hobbies include reading, fly-fishing, and cross-stitch! I am also a coffee enthusiast and LOVE a good cuppa! My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I love to eat and spend time with my family while playing board games.

Don’t hesitate to reach out—I’d love to chat! Our church has some exciting opportunities for growth ahead! I’m thrilled to lead a church that values faith and fun!

DIANE POLYAK, Associate Pastor

“God’s love will transform the world. We have to decide every day to be a part of that transformation.”

My husband and I lived in Texas for ten years. All three of our sons were born there. I became very active in our church- teaching Sunday school, serving on the Education Committee and as Vacation Bible School Director. When we returned to South Dakota, I became very involved with Children’s Ministry. When the Children’s Minister left, she suggested that I should take her place. I did and served for seven years in that role.

When NewDay began, my primary role was leading Children and Youth. Over the years, it has evolved into an associate pastor. The job description of “associate pastor” is filling in whenever and wherever is needed, but my heart is with children. I love watching children grow in their understanding of God’s love, grace, and mercy and do my best to facilitate the process.

After 34 years in ministry, paid and unpaid by a church, I try every day to remind people of what we have in common-  a God who loves us. I believe the church’s vision is to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and all our souls and all our minds AND to love our neighbor as ourselves. God’s love will transform the world. We have to decide every day to be a part of that transformation.

Hobbies: Road trips, new breweries, new beers, reading, watching soccer (Go, Spurs!), watching baseball (Go, Twins!), watching football (Go, Vikes!), and live music.

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving- we enjoy the big family meal Wednesday night then spend Thanksgiving day eating leftovers, watching football, and playing games.