New Day


Small Group

Adults meet for discussion and study. Currently doing the series “Not
a Silent Night.” After the first of the year, we will begin “Love
Does.” Groups meet Sunday mornings or at other times during the week
(depending upon preference of the group).

Outreach Team

The emphasis of this team is from our creed: “It’s not about me…” We
look for ways to serve the community. Efforts are coordinated
throughout the year. Past projects have included Christmas shopping
for foster children and families in need, serving at the Banquet,
putting together lunches for Lunch is Served, handing out water at
parades, community cook-outs, Easter egg hunts and gathering items for
the children in Compassion Care. We have sent Girl Scout cookies to
service men and women oversees.

Sunday School

We have two Sunday school classes explore God’s word through story, games and crafts.Our Adventurer class is 2nd-5th grade. Adventure Bibles are given to second graders. This Bible is used each Sunday. Word finds, crosswords, and other activity sheets guide students through God’s word. At home, students can play games on-line through a class log in. They compete against each other. See for more information.

Our Explorer class is our youngest children, ages 3 years through first grade. Crafts reinforce the main idea of the week. Many toys and games are available for free play. Each class ends with circle time and prayer.

Church Ladies

The group meets every other Tuesday for Ladies Night, a devotion, and
a game. This is a time of encouragement, laughter and care. Meeting
dates are usually the first and third Tuesday starting anywhere from
5-8. The usual meeting place is Grille 26.

Church Men (AKA The Guppies)

Men meet on Tuesday nights at 7 at Lucky’s to play pool. These people
are not pool sharks, thus their name. All skill levels are welcome.